The Himamaylan City Public Library (HCPL), administered by the Office of the Vice Mayor, is an integral part of the educational support services of the City Government. HCPL helps the City fulfill its obligation towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Particularly, this responds to SDG #4 which seeks inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all. Its operations are guided by Republic Act 7743, otherwise known as “An Act Providing for the Establishment of Congressional, City, and Municipal Libraries and Barangay Reading Centers throughout the Philippines” localized through, City Ordinance No. 19-012, otherwise known as the “The Himamaylan City Public Library Modernization Ordinance of 2019”(Annex A).

In addition, HCPL has established satellites through public-private partnerships called “Community Learning Hub”, particularly in Barangays San Antonio, Libacao, and Caradio-an. These are learning facilities that provide free internet and gadget use, as well as free printing services, to its clients. Operating hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, and on Saturdays, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The HCPL and CLHs are under the supervision of the Office of the Vice Mayor.

Over the past years since the passage of the Library Modernization Ordinance, there has been renewed interest in HCPL and its services. Through this significant legislation, the LGU has been able to provide additional learning devices (ie.computers, printers, webcams, etc.), train and hire more personnel, boost internet connectivity, and establish partnerships with different public and private organizations. As of 2023, the City also appropriated P12,000,000.00 for the adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of the library building, a heritage structure inaugurated by President Carlos P. Garcia, which was previously used as the seat of local government. These improvements have resulted in an increase in the number of library clients, proof that HCPL’s services have positively impacted the lives of HImamaylanons.

Beyond bringing back life to a once forgotten facility, the landmark Ordinance also empowered HCPL as an institution to partner with stakeholders to set up satellite libraries known as “Community Learning Hub” in hinterland areas to address the needs of students at the height of the pandemic. The CLHs and explore partnerships for the benefits of lifelong learners in the City of Himamaylan.


The Himamaylan City Public Library promotes reading and digital literacy, sociocultural enrichment, and a sense of community by providing equitable access to learning resources, a safe place to exchange ideas, and establishing satellite HCPL Centers to reach and connect Himamaylanons.


By 2027, the Himamaylan City Public Library shall provide lifelong learning opportunities, provide access to relevant learning resources, and establish Satellite HCPL Centers to bridge the technological divide across Himamaylan.


  • To provide access to the democratizing force of the internet by establishing satellite HCPL centers in strategic locations throughout the City.
  • Maintain an up-to-date, reliable computer network with access to useful software and relevant knowledge resources.
  • To provide lifelong learning opportunities for Himamaylanons.
  • To bridge the technological gap across Himamaylan.
  • To promote development of literacy, collect high quality materials, and conduct programs which stimulate reading and critical thinking.
  • To be a civic space for all members of society by offering a pleasant meeting place for collaboration and peer learning
  • To encourage patrons to use library resources to further their academic pursuits.

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